
Labyrinth seal CFD calculation and temperature measurement investigation

    Michal Čížek   Affiliation
    ; Vojtěch Klír Affiliation
    ; Pavel Steinbauer Affiliation
    ; Tomáš Vampola   Affiliation


This article presents currently obtained results from CFD analysis of the labyrinth seals of an aircraft turbine engine. The process of describing a geometry, grid for numerical calculation and boundary conditions are described. Numerical simulations were performed for the assumed boundary conditions. The presented results show total temperature differences in labyrinth seals compared to published results. An experimental verification of the CFD analysis was also performed to clarify the numerical simulation results. It was based on the labyrinth seal measurement stand. The final part of this study is dedicated to the discussion and the following possible activities on this topic.

Keyword : aircraft turbine engine, labyrinth seal, simulation, measurement, total temperature, static pressure

How to Cite
Čížek, M., Klír, V., Steinbauer, P., & Vampola, T. (2022). Labyrinth seal CFD calculation and temperature measurement investigation. Aviation, 26(2), 96–103.
Published in Issue
Jun 1, 2022
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