
Information security management framework suitability estimation for small and medium enterprise

    Laima Kaušpadienė Affiliation
    ; Simona Ramanauskaitė   Affiliation
    ; Antanas Čenys Affiliation


Information security is one of the key concerns of an enterprise or organization. To assure suitable management of information security a list of information security management frameworks has been developed by a number of institutions and authors. A condensed information in information security management framework is very important to a small and medium enterprise as this type of enterprise usually lacks resources for information security expertise and deep analysis. Despite the fact, the information security management process and its frameworks, on the other hand, are very complex and require a big number of different elements. At the moment the comparison it is very shallow, as all properties of the comparison are treated equally important. In real life, the importance of different criteria of information security management framework and their suitability for small and medium enterprise vary. Therefore we use the Analytic Hierarchy Process to construct a hierarchy of information security management frameworks quality and applicability in small and medium enterprise and define the weights for each of the criteria. Weighted criteria express the importance of the criteria and executed the final comparison of alternatives (five information security management frameworks) is more realistic (similar to experts opinion) comparing to existing comparisons.

First published online 20 June 2019

Keyword : information security management framework, suitability, small and medium enterprise, SME, multi criteria, MCDM, AHP

How to Cite
Kaušpadienė, L., Ramanauskaitė, S., & Čenys, A. (2019). Information security management framework suitability estimation for small and medium enterprise. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(5), 979-997.
Published in Issue
Jun 20, 2019
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