
How can digital economy development empower high-quality economic development?

    Wen Chen Affiliation
    ; Xiaoyu Du Affiliation
    ; Wei Lan Affiliation
    ; Weili Wu Affiliation
    ; Murong Zhao Affiliation


The role of the digital economy in economic transformation is increasingly prominent. This paper empirically examines how the digital economy affects TFP and its mechanism using Chinese provincial panel data. The results show that the impact of the digital economy on regional TFP is U-shaped. Further studies show that digital economy development may improve regional TFP through two channels: stimulating innovation and promoting entrepreneurship. In addition, we also discuss the role of active government, effective market, and high-level judicial protection in digital economic policies improving economic growth. Based on our research results, we put forward some policy recommendations.

First published online 17 April 2023

Keyword : digital economy, TFP, innovation and entrepreneurship, active government, effective market, judicial protection

How to Cite
Chen, W., Du, X., Lan, W., Wu, W., & Zhao, M. (2023). How can digital economy development empower high-quality economic development?. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 29(4), 1168–1194.
Published in Issue
Jul 14, 2023
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