
Accelerating construction of roadway bridges using alternative techniques and procurement methods

    Ossama Salem Affiliation
    ; Baris Salman Affiliation
    ; Sudipta Ghorai Affiliation


Approximately a quarter of the bridges in the United States are classified as either functionally obsolete or structurally deficient by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). As such, transportation agencies are challenged to handle the increasing need of upgrades with limited resources. Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) can reduce the construction duration and can decrease the environmental and socio-economic impacts of repair and upgrade activities by minimizing traffic disruptions. As several states are using accelerated construction techniques, a standard guideline would be highly beneficial for these agencies in developing or improving the ABC decision-making process. As problems are often project specific, a decision tool can assist in determining the viability of ABC over traditional construction methods and in selecting appropriate construction and contracting strategies on a case-by-case basis. This paper presents findings of a recent survey with regards to utilization of ABC strategies by state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), and a decision support framework which consists of three models: (1) Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based ABC vs. traditional construction decision-making model; (2) ABC alternatives selection model; and (3) procurement method and contract selection model. The paper also discusses the use of ABC in New York State and describes a New York State bridge project to validate the AHP model.

First published online 02 May 2017

Keyword : accelerated bridge construction, analytical hierarchy process, procurement methods, contracting requirements, decision-making models

How to Cite
Salem, O., Salman, B., & Ghorai, S. (2018). Accelerating construction of roadway bridges using alternative techniques and procurement methods. Transport, 33(2), 567-579.
Published in Issue
Jan 26, 2018
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