
Pattern recognition based speed forecasting methodology for urban traffic network

    Tamás Tettamanti Affiliation
    ; Alfréd Csikós Affiliation
    ; Krisztián Balázs Kis Affiliation
    ; Zsolt János Viharos Affiliation
    ; István Varga Affiliation


A full methodology of short-term traffic prediction is proposed for urban road traffic network via Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The goal of the forecasting is to provide speed estimation forward by 5, 15 and 30 min. Unlike similar research results in this field, the investigated method aims to predict traffic speed for signalized urban road links and not for highway or arterial roads. The methodology contains an efficient feature selection algorithm in order to determine the appropriate input parameters required for neural network training. As another contribution of the paper, a built-in incomplete data handling is provided as input data (originating from traffic sensors or Floating Car Data (FCD)) might be absent or biased in practice. Therefore, input data handling can assure a robust operation of speed forecasting also in case of missing data. The proposed algorithm is trained, tested and analysed in a test network built-up in a microscopic traffic simulator by using daily course of real-world traffic.

First Published Online: 4 Sept 2017

Keyword : urban traffic, pattern recognition, short-term forecasting, average speed, artificial neural network

How to Cite
Tettamanti, T., Csikós, A., Kis, K. B., Viharos, Z. J., & Varga, I. (2018). Pattern recognition based speed forecasting methodology for urban traffic network. Transport, 33(4), 959-970.
Published in Issue
Dec 5, 2018
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