
Satisfaction of short-term rental customers: empirical study in Portugal

    Maria João Machado   Affiliation
    ; Mafalda Patuleia   Affiliation
    ; Álvaro Dias   Affiliation
    ; João Estêvão   Affiliation


This study has three specific objectives: to analyse the association between the characteristics of the accommodation and the satisfaction of short-term rental customers; to analyse whether customer satisfaction is associated with them recommending the accommodation; and to analyse which satisfaction dimensions most influence the overall satisfaction of short-term rental customers. Data collection was carried out through an online survey aimed at individuals residing in Portugal, who stayed overnight in a short-term rental accommodation within the national territory. One thousand valid inquiries were collected. The results suggest the following as main contributions: the demonstration that the type of accommodation and the neighbourhood are associated with the satisfaction of short-term rental customers; the validation of the importance of customer satisfaction in terms of them recommending the accommodation; the identification of the importance of the various satisfaction dimensions as determinants of the overall satisfaction of the short-term rental customer.

Keyword : short-term rental, satisfaction, recommendation, sustainability, hotel industry, Portugal

How to Cite
Machado, M. J., Patuleia, M., Dias, Álvaro, & Estêvão, J. (2021). Satisfaction of short-term rental customers: empirical study in Portugal. Business: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 361-369.
Published in Issue
Oct 5, 2021
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