
Reconsidering individuals’ competencies in business intelligence and business analytics toward process effectiveness: mediation-moderation model

    Malek Al-edenat   Affiliation
    ; Nayel Alhawamdeh   Affiliation


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of individuals’ competencies in business intelligence (BI) and analytics (BA) on process effectiveness (PE). Moreover, to investigate the mediating role of user participation (UP) and the moderating role of gender in this relationship. An empirical analysis based on survey data was conducted. A sample of 215 middle and upper management levels from SMEs located in Jordan was surveyed to collect the data. Structural equation modelling through partial least squares-multi group analysis (PLS-MGA) is used to analyze the data. The results support the direct positive impact of individuals’ competencies in business intelligence (BA) and business analytics (BA). Moreover, user participation has been found to mediate this relationship. Additionally, the results showed that gender moderates the relationship between individuals’ competencies in business intelligence (BI) and analytics (BA) on process effectiveness (PE). The findings improve the understanding of the needed individuals’ competencies in business intelligence (BI) and analytics (BA) that affect process effectiveness (PE). This will help develop and arrange strategies that increase individuals’ competencies in business intelligence (BI) and analytics (BA) among employees. Furthermore, managers and owners should put plans for strategies to augment confidence amongst female employees.

Keyword : business intelligence (BI), business analytics (BA), process effectiveness (PE), user participation (UP)

How to Cite
Al-edenat, M., & Alhawamdeh, N. (2022). Reconsidering individuals’ competencies in business intelligence and business analytics toward process effectiveness: mediation-moderation model. Business: Theory and Practice, 23(2), 239–251.
Published in Issue
Jun 21, 2022
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